dieter brehm

Dieter Brehm

Seattle based illustrator

Hi, I'm Dieter. I've drawn Vermont landscapes, created accessible iPhone apps, interned at the School for Poetic Computation, made Yahoo accessible, biked around Cambridge, and am currently spending my days biking around Seattle crafting my artistic practice.

Interested in collaborating? Email me at:

~ inkering@gmail ~

I'd love to draw you something or have a chat!


I also run a brief and infrequent newsletter. For all intensive purposes, which is a blog, an rss-feed, and a newsletter all rolled into one. For a preview, take a look at the newsletter page for past notes.

I write about what I'm up to whether it's urban sketching meetups, chatting with people, designing, illustrating, fixing cameras, or making a cup of tea. I always include plenty of pictures along the way.


This site is hosted on Netlify, built on the Hugo framework and a bunch of plain old html and css. The text is Lato by Ɓukasz Dziedzic. The newsletter uses Buttondown as infrastructure, and I use InPrnt and Big Cartel as online shops for prints and merchandise. Site design done in notebooks, sticky-notes, and